Archive for May, 2015

I’m very impressed — I’m supposed to be on the Laugh Stand at the iconic Harold Park Hotel.

This was the venue where all the great names of comedy played back in the day. And now me!!! How cool is that?

Check me out on 19th May with Dave Williams as MC.

laugh stand

10-05-16. This was a very good gig, I remember, mainly because MC Craig Annis was so surprised at my performance. I go in disguise as a mild mannered Librarian but really I am super comedian. LOL

When I started getting into comedy I went through what I call my “creepy stalker phase” — basically I followed Paul McDermott to all of his gigs (God bless him) — it was great, I met a lot of interesting people (on and off the stage) and had a great time. Back then I thought it would be great to have fans of my own but I never thought they would be this cute! Many thanks to you, Bek and Nicole. P.S. If there are more of you out there — thanks to you too! (Note to self: buy a new bra)


Thanks to Bek and Nicole for sending me videos from last Sunday’s show at the World Bar and for giving me the inspiration. The story is called Sex at Sea World and features Bek and Nicole and a very horny dolphin.

Thanks also to Kyle and Ruven who were so nice — giving me the spot.

Here is a bit which I’ve put on YouTube — more to come!

Part 3

Part 12

Part 14
