Archive for June, 2015

A bit about Me

Posted: June 18, 2015 in biography, gigs, publishing, venues, videos

A bit about me: I got into comedy late in life when I first noticed Paul McDermott on Good News Week making it seem so easy and fun.

I started writing like a madman, did several courses at the Writers Studio in Sydney and wrote a novel based on my live TV experiences (which I still has in my bottom drawer – takers anyone?)

After that came a long journey of open mike performances around Sydney and Melbourne. Yes I did enter Triple J’s Raw Comedy competition (5 times – until they told me not to) and yes; I have played the Comedy Store (back in the day).

I’ve been a regular at a Mic in Hand at the Friend in Hand Hotel since its inception, I’m one of the founding members of Phuklub at the Roxbury Hotel where I developed my current style and recently I played the iconic Harold Park Hotel!

Right now I’m writing more short stories, doing open mike comedy, and getting my stuff out on YouTube. I’m a kind of latter day comedy Sheherazade.

Here’s me doing a story called Eve Loses Her Cherry to the Snake at the Friend in Hand Hotel (13th March 2015), its Biblical, and part of a much larger work. Thanks to Liam Nesbitt who gave me a five minute spot. And thanks to Wayne Dixon who didn’t bell me when it went over to seven and a half!!!! I love these guys the most!!! Not only are they very generous with their feedback and encouragement but they have very nice audiences. Check this out, even if I say so myself, it’s one of my best.