Archive for August, 2016

Here’s one for the Diary

Posted: August 25, 2016 in facebook, fans, gigs, reviews, venues

bunker comedy

FaceBook message from Bobby Deez:

“Hi Sue, I saw you perform at Harold Park recently – would you be interested in doing a 5 min spot at Bunker Comedy Night at Coogee Diggers on Fri Sep 2? Cheers, Bobby”.
They seek her here they seek her there — It seems I’m famous!!! This should be a lot of fun. Comedy. A new venue. And a lot of my good friends. 🙂  Here they are:
Bunker Comedy  (Coogee Diggers)
Fri Sep 2nd 2016 8.15pm    
MC: Luke Joseph  Ryan  12‐15 min                               
Marty Bright                 5 min                       
Marcel Blanch­ de Wilt       5 min                                    
Dan Rath                   10 min
BREAK 9.15 pm                   
MC                          12-­15 min                              
(Special guest?)             5 min                                
Sue Thomas                    5 min                                   
Lee Reid                        10 min
BREAK     10.00 pm       
Cam Knight                  30 min

The gig turned out to be a lot of fun. I did the Silent Witness Story and got some good laughs in the middle, a little soft at the beginning and the end.  But it was mostly good, there was a huge audience, a seemingly bottomless bar tab (no I wasn’t pissed), and I got a few very enjoyable comments from the nice people there when I flyered for my show.

My favourite comments were: “Surprisingly funny” (from a middle aged couple) — “my friend nearly wet herself”  (the lady was pregnant — so I can’t take all the credit) and “you look like Meryl Streep” (I asked the lady in which film and she said The Devil Wore Prada, ho hum).

The “special guest” turned out to be my pal Justin Andersen who did a great set.

Farewell to Crown

Posted: August 23, 2016 in facebook, fans, photos, venues

I was gutted to hear that Crown Comedy at the Crown Hotel is ended — I had some pretty good times there and met some lovely people — both comedians and the occasional audience member — it was my kind of room — lots of scope for creativity and your friends around you for support. I’ve started some of my best bits there and for all the above I am extremely grateful. Thanks to the guys who kept the room running, it takes a lot of commitment to run a comedy room, more power to their arms!!!

end of crown

Here’s Justin Jones’ epitaph on FaceBook:

“Hi everyone, It’s with great regret that I announce that Crown Comedy was shut down tonight. The venue pulled the pin on us suddenly before the show and we were informed tonight would be our last show at Crown Hotel.

I would personally like to thank Lee Reid, for starting comedy out west. Daniel Palmer, Kieran Daughton and David Tieck for starting it and fostering the loose-say-anything vibe that made Crown what it was. Peter Gleeson for the awesome artwork he created for us on multiple occasions. Our awesome regulars, Victor Lee, Sue Thomas, Sean Morahan, Rob Andrews and everyone else that made the trek on a regular basis.

Special mention goes to Tim McIntyre who basically never missed a show, and proposed to his fiancée during a show.

To all the MCs and features who helped us create those nights, thank you, you made Crown what it was.

I’m sad to see this chapter come to an end, but excited for the next. This all happened so suddenly, we’re unsure of just what that next chapter will be. For now, stay tuned to the Crown Comedy facebook page for any updates. We are hoping to find another room in the west but good rooms can be few and far between so please be patient while we search for a new home. If you have any suggestions for a suitable venue please pm me the details.

Let’s not call this goodbye, let’s just say goodnight.

Peace and Love

Crown Comedy”

Here’s Andrew Hastings, Paige Hally and me after an allnighter at Molotov Comedy on Wednesday night. Tom thought it would be fun to get a photo with us all wearing the new Sue Thomas T-shirt promoting my Fringe Festival Show “Another Bite of the Cherry”. If only I didn’t have me eyes shut. LOL. If anyone wants one of the T-shirts please send me a message with the gender and size you want. I also have mugs which are quite cute.


sue mug