Archive for March, 2016

Where I was last year

Posted: March 25, 2016 in festivals, podcasts

Last September during the Sydney Fringe Festival I did a podcast on the Women and Comedy site with Jasmin Langdon and Thao Cao, it was a lot of fun. I’ve just been listening to it again, it was cool to hear how we kicked around a lot of deep comedy concepts, ate some vegan cake and I got to talk about my comedy stuff. I realised that I know quite a lot about comedy and that I have made some people laugh. Which is great. I really like that (making people laugh). There are a lot of other women comics, who are very funny,  on the site. Its definitely worth checking out.


I Never Win Anything

Posted: March 14, 2016 in awards, competitions

I usually say “I never win anything” but this photo blows that story out of the water. I won the Crown Comedy award (for a redition of my Octopus Story) and a lot of nice friends.  I should put this award on my Fringe Application. LOL. And this is quite a cheeky photo.

crown comedy winner1

UNSW Poet vs Comedians poetry slam

Posted: March 11, 2016 in gigs

You’re never too old to learn they say — so let’s see if I can teach these young guns a thing or two. Here I am back at my old alma mater (University of New South Wales) and thanks to my new pal Kevin Duo Jinuwine I have a five minute spot at their March poetry slam. I just have to write some jokes about being back at the old school and my being the product of all that study (what a nightmare! LOL)

See you at UNSW at the Roundhouse Club Bar on Tuesday 22nd March at 6.30 pm. (yeah, click here)

poetry slam2.jpg


No, I know I’m not doing this the right way. You’re supposed to tell people who would like to come to see your shows before you actually do them. I do this in my own inimitable way, like everything else I do.  Anyway, the Shaggers comedy special at the Chippendale Hotel on Valentine’s day was an enjoyable event. I only found out at the last minute that I was on but it all worked out well. Everyone was on their best form, I remember Dane Hiser and Al del Bene were especially good.



Crown First Birthday Bash

Posted: March 11, 2016 in awards, gigs

Crown First Birthday Bash (make sure you click here. LOL) on 22nd of February was a lot of fun. All the crew turned up and we had a lot of fun, kicking about some comedy of our own and listening to the zingers of our friends. The brief was do your polished stuff which was a bit of a problem because this is totally against the spirit of the room. Crown is a great venue for doing your fresh — semi formed stuff. I did my Octopus story which is a favourite and enjoyed wearing my party hat.